Dynamic Thai Massage

According to the history and evolution of thai massage, Chaiyuth Priyasith, who lived and worked in Chiang Mai was the master of dynamic techniques. He was one of Asokananda’s two main teachers, and also taught many of my teachers. Unfortunately, I missed seeing this master alive, as he died in 2004, but luckily he has inspired some of my teachers, and they managed to create a new form, one which is easily understandable for western people. This form is known as “Dynamic Thai Massage”, while others refer to it as “The Sacred Dance”. Even though both names refer to the same massage, we can look at these two names separately, and see them as two different ways of working and approaching the human body. Dynamic work in the thai tradition is a very intuitive, almost shamanic way of working. It is a process that needs a lot of sensitivity and intuiton, as the therapist slowly tunes into the 5 „koshas” (or yogic “bodies”) of the patient, opening blockages on the phyical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Although there are many similar techniques in these two forms, the Sacred Dance has enjoyed considerably more influence from Osteopathy. Its a form that allows the therapist to work with beautiful movement, effortlessly and playfully. It facilitates the opening of blocked areas with rhythmic rocking and oscillatory technigues. It helps the release of tension with precise techniques, and helps bringing back mobility where it is missing. A complex, beautiful form of thai massage, influenced by the precision of osteopathy…opening a new way of understanding and working the body. According to the my understanding and experience, this criss-cross between Western and Estern approaches has made thai massage more colourful and many times more practical.

Dynamic Thai Massage:

It is safe.
Possible to use on every kind of patient, independent of age and flexibility.
Possible to change rhythm throughout our treatment.
Helps the patient to let go when the patient can not relax his or her body, mind or emotions.
Helps to relieve pain.
Helps relaxation.
It is a very beautiful and effective way of working.
It increases the circulatiun of blood and lymph.
Increases mobility of the joints.
Helps during rehabilitation and during post-injury periods, in cases of spasm or contracted muscles.
Helps with pain in cases of incorrect body posture.
Helps to improve the mobility of the spine and also the synovial fluid in the joints.
Helps the free flow of energy.
Helps the stressed and spasmed patient.
During the 5 days of our course, we focus on our movement, touch and concentration both in movement and stillness. We learn dynamic tecnigues from the feet to the head in front, side and back positions. We learn when to use these tecniques, and when to use static techniques to gain the best benefit in our practice.At the end of the course you will have a big variety of techniques, which allows you to gave a massage of an hour and a half.

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