Tag Archives: Kisnyalka Laurino masszázs Nuad bo Rarn meditation thai massage Retreat thai yoga massage

Courses in 2022

1) Energy Line course I: Sun, Moon and Existence

Date: April 16.-17., 2022
Venue: Heile Haus, a friendly community centre in the heart of Kreuzberg, Berlin, giving home to naturopathic teachings for decades. Address: Waldemarstraße 36. Website: https://heilehaus-berlin.de/en/
Programme: This is the first of a two-course series, where we will explore, experience and discuss the essence of thai yoga massage, the work on the energy lines. Devoting a whole day to working on a single line starting with a demonstration, we then experience the line as giver and receiver, developing a sense of the quality of energy and power of that specific line. On the first day, our attention is focussed on Sen Sumana, the line related to primeval aspects of our existence, while the second day will be devoted to Sen Ittha and Pingkhala, the male and female aspect.
This course is offered to advanced students and practitioners, regardless of their previous background. You will receive a certificate of tuition after the completion of the course.

Prices, info and registration: Chris Wischnewski, info@holistictouch.org, website: https://holistictouch.org/en/


2) Energy Line course II: Psychic Energy and its Digestion

Date: April 18.-20., 2022
Venue: Heile Haus, a friendly community centre in the heart of Kreuzberg, Berlin, giving home to naturopathic teachings for decades. Address: Waldemarstraße 36. Website: https://heilehaus-berlin.de/en/
Programme: This is the second of a two-course series, where we will explore, experience and discuss the essence of thai yoga massage, the work on the energy lines. Devoting a whole day to working on a single line starting with a demonstration, we then experience the line as giver and receiver, developing a sense of the quality of energy and power of that specific line. On the first day, our attention is focussed on Sen Kalathari, the line related to emotional and psychic energy, while the second and third days will be devoted to Sen Sahatsarangsi and Tawari, the lines related to grounding and the digestion of experience.
This course is offered to advanced students and practitioners, regardless of their previous background. You will receive a certificate of tuition after the completion of the course.

Prices, info and registration: Chris Wischnewski, info@holistictouch.org, website: https://holistictouch.org/en/


3) 8 Day Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage with Bali, Rozdziele, Poland

Date: April 22.-29., 2022
Venue: Teczowa Dolina, friendly krishnamurti retreat centre in Rozdziele, a village in the Beskidy mountains, overlooking the Tatry, about an hour from Krakow. Website: www.teczowadolina.pl
How to get there: train or bus to Krakow, from there Mateus usually takes students to the venue by minibus. Please email Mateus for details.
Programme: An 8 day introductory course in good friend Mateus Flak’s forest hideout in the amazing Beskidy mountains, about an hour drive from Krakkow. A full introduction to vipassana and taichi will be given in the mornings. This is followed by a complete beginners training  in thai yoga massage during the day. Complemented by a lovely krishnamurti community, their great vegetarian cooking, and silesian good cheer! Also recommended for repeaters, assistants, or those who have done other styles of thai massage, and want an enrichment course. All are welcome! Close to Germany, Slovakia, Czech Rep. and of course, Zakopane and  Krakkow, Poland.
Contact, prices, registration, please write to: Mateus Flak, mantreusz@gmail.com


4) 5 day advanced Therapy retreat with Bali@ Rozdziele, POL

Date:  April 30.- May 5., 2022
Venue: Teczowa Dolina, friendly krishnamurti retreat centre in Rozdziele, a village in the Beskidy mountains, overlooking the Tatry, about an hour from Krakow. Website: www.teczowadolina.pl
How to get there:
train or bus to Krakow, and directions on venue’s website in polish, or please email Mateus for details, pickup possibilities.
during the five day workshop, we spend each morning and afternoon session with a hands on treatment with Bali, given to one of the participants. This will be “laboratory demo-treatment”, ie: the different sensations tangible to the therapist will be highlighted by Bali, and sensed by all students through touch on the spot, as well as therapeutic guidelines pinpointed, indicating the reasons (or not reasons) for choosing a particular direction or area to continue with during the treatment. The tailoring of a massage to suit the needs of a client, as well as the guidelines of therapeutics will thus be studied in practice in two ways: once felt on ourselves, and on the other occasions demonstrated on our fellow students. The time after these sessions will be devoted to giving and receiving full body massages supervised by teachers with feedback.
Contact, prices, registration, please write to: Mateus Flak, mantreusz@gmail.com


5) Advanced Side Position Course with Bali, @Sunshine Mangalam, Zebegény HUN

Date: August 1.-8., 2022
Place: Zebegény, Hungary, address: Almás kert 23.
Price: to reflect the economic differences in the EU, there are 3 general price categories: I. North Europe: 500 E, II.Southern Europe: 400 E (Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal), III. Eastern Europe: 300 E. (The price contains the tuition, accomodation, and 3 hearty vegetarian meals a day).
Programme: For those who have completed a beginners course, this course will focus on the side position, aiming to give as complete massages as possible to those patients with difficulty receiving the other positions. In a western therapeutic context, these cases will be quite frequent, as many patients will be too stiff, heavy or fat to receive the other positions. The side position is the one most people usually sleep in, therefore it allows for a lot of relaxation and letting-go on the side of the patient. As a lot of the material is given from sitting on the ground, less work and effort are required from the therapist, with more fun involved with the dynamic rocking motions incorporated into the programme. The course also offers training for giving massages to pregnant women.
Contact, registration: Bali, konemara76@gmail.com


6) 12 day Thai Yoga Massage Retreat with Laurino and Bali, @Sunshine Mangalam HUN

Date: August 9.-21., 2022
Location: Kisnyalka, Hungary, half way between Wienna and Budapest, for directions, please see this link.
Price: to reflect the economic differences in the EU, there are 3 general price categories: I. North Europe: 900E, II.Southern Europe: 700 E (Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal), III. Eastern Europe: 550 E. (The price contains the tuition, course manual, accomodation, and 3 hearty vegetarian meals a day).
This is the full 12 day curriculum of the Sunshine Network, the beginners course taught as in the lahu village, with teacher training available. It is set in a retreat environment in Kisnyalka, conveniently located between Wienna and Budapest. If you send me an email, ill send back an infosheet with details of place, schedule, accomodation, prices etc. Then you can email me again to register if you wish to take part, and I place you on the list. Assistants on teacher training and repeaters are welcome! The course is folowed by a vipassana retreat (23rd-27th August), you are welcome to stay.
Website of the course: Please Click Here!
For more info, please write to: Bali, konemara76@gmail.com


7) 12 day Beginners Course with Bali in Hamburg, Germany 

Date: October 4-15., 2022
Place:  Center of Gravity, Talstrasse 19. Website: Click Here!
Programme:  This is the full 12 day curriculum of the Sunshine Network beginners course, as taught in the lahu village, set in the centre of Hamburg, at the Center of Gravity. Augmented by a morning programme of vipassana meditation (the course includes a step-by-step introduction to allow beginners to integrate meditation into their everyday lives) and a morning movement programme of chikung and taichi (to get the practicioners body into shape for a safe practice, as well as to experience the stretches and energywork the patient gets while receiving), the programme will center on learning a repertoire to give a balancing full body thai yoga massage of more or less 2 hours. Fully certified by the Sunshine Network, a chance for beginners to receive an excellent base in thai yoga massage, repeaters to hone their skills, massage lovers to enrich their repertoire…All are welcome!
Course overview: please click Here!
Center of Gravity link for course infos: please click Here!
For information and registration: please contact the team of the Center Of Gravity
phone: +49-173-3272877
email: info@center-of-gravity.de
web: www.center-of-gravity.de

8) 3 day advanced “Hands Free” workshop with Bali in Hamburg, Germany

Date: October 16.-18., 2022
Venue:  Center of Gravity, Talstrasse 19. Website: click here!
Programme: during the three day workshop, we will be covering the full body massage without the use of hands. The workshop introduces techniques with feet, heels, elbows, knees, and gives ample practice to feel ready to use them. Recommended as a “thumb saver” for small masseurs, or those with sensitive/injured wrists, thumbs or shoulders, for giving treatments to heavier and more muscular patients.
Workshop description: please click Here!
For information and registration: please contact the team of the Center Of Gravity
phone: +49-173-3272877
email: info@center-of-gravity.de
web: www.center-of-gravity.de


9) Thaimassage in the mirror of Yoga – Lifestyle Camp,  Sunshine Mangalam, @Kisnyalka, HUN

Date: October 31th-November 7th, 2022
Place: Kisnyalka, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest), directions: please click here!
Programme: 7 day retreat in which a 60 hours thaimassage beginners programme will be taught, in partnership with yoga cleansing, a complete vipassana meditation training (every morning will begin with practice in Noble Silence), a tai chi, chikung, ashtanga, hatha, yin or vinyasa flow session in the mornings, and a chakra yoga class every evening, geared to the chakra or area worked on in the thaimassage sessions of the day. The course is organized and certified by the International Academy of Massage, so all beginners should email to the school (jelentkezes@masszazsakademia.hu). Repeaters, karma yogis, assistants welcome, please email to Bali directly. Folowed by advanced workshops at the same venue, all are welcome to stay!
Price: about 120,000 HUF (about 360 E) including all teachings, manual, food, and accomodation. The course materials for cleansing can be brought form home if you have them already (tongue scraper, sesame oil for abhyanga, neti pot, book), or they can be purchased at the scene, for a total price of about 20E. Please indicate if you wish to buy all or some of these.)
Infos: Bali, konemara76@gmail.com.
Registration: beginners should register at jelentkezes@masszazsakademia.hu, while repeaters and assistants should email to Bali.


10) “Hands Free”: advanced workshop with Bali in Sunshine Mangalam, Kisnyalka, HUN

Date: November 8.-9., 2022
Place: Kisnyalka, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest), directions: please click here!
Topic: The workshop will be a 2 day course covering the full body massage without the use of hands. The workshop introduces the techniques with feet, heels, elbows, knees, and gives ample practice to feel ready to use them. Recommended as a “thumb saver” for small masseurs, or those with sensitive/injured wrists, thumbs or shoulders, for giving treatments to heavier and more muscular patients. Held in the same lovely venue as the beginners course, it could be a great continuation for those who assist or repeat the beginenrs course.
Workshop description: please click Here!
Price: 140 E (or equivalent in HUF), which includes tuition, manual, food and accomodation for 3 days from the 7th to the 9th of November.
For information and registration please contact:
Bali, konemara76@gmail.com.