Autumn-Winter Courses, 2015

1) Thai Herbal Balls and Advanced Lower-back pain Therapy Weekend with Bali, BP

Date: 2015 October 10.-11., 10-18h

Place: Budapest, SriOm Studio, Kelenhegyi u. 15 (5 mins. walk from “Gellért tér” metro/tram/bus station).

Price: 24,000 HUF, which includes the teaching, a printed manual, and the herbal balls used in the course. Accomodation available on request by donation at the venue, contact Zoltan (

Course description: On the first day of our workshop, we explore the treatments available for lower back pain with the tools of thaimassage therapy, including the questions of how to place the patient comfortably, energy lines and therapy points to emphasize. This day is only open to those who have successfully completed a beginners course with the Sunshine Network. The second day will focus on the tradition of herbal balls, form how to make them to trying out treatments with them. For description of this beautiful segment of thai medicine, click here! This day is open to total beginners, newcomers, all those who love to give and receive massage.

Info, Registration: with Bali (email address:


2) 12 day Beginners Course in Traditional Thai Yoga Massage with  Bali and Zoltan, BP

Date: 2015 October 18.-24. (Part I.), and December 11.-15. (Part II.)

Place: Budapest, SriOm Studio, Kelenhegyi u. 15 (5 mins. walk from “Gellért tér” metro/tram/bus station).

Contents of the course: This 108 hours training retreat includes a systematic tuition of a full body Thai Yoga massage, an introduction to the theory of energy lines and therapeutic work. Through the daily practice of Tai Chi, Chi-kung, Vipassana, Metta meditation and chantig, we will develop awareness, love and compassion, warming our hearts and our massage practice. For course description, please click here!). Repeaters, assistants are welcome!

Prices : in an attempt to accomodate for the economic situation in Europe, there are 3 price categories. I. Northern Europe and other Westerners: 800 Euros, II. Southern Europe (Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain): 600 Euros, III. Eastern Europe: 450 Euros. The prices include tuition, course materials, and two bathing sessions at the Gellért baths (5 miutes walk), one in October and one in December. Food and accomodation are not included (menus available in vegetarian cafes in the vicinity, while guests can stay at the venue for a donation in limited numbers, please email Zoltan).

Assistants are welcome, fee is 250E, repeaters are welcome to join @ 25E per day.

Daily Schedule:

6-7: vipassana
7-8,15: taichi
8,15-9,30: breakfast
9,30-13: massage
13-15: lunch
15-18,30: massage
18,30: dinner and evening programme

Zozo and Bali are teachers of the Sunshine Network, based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Website:

Registrationif any questions come up, you need further information, or you wish to register for the course, please write to Bali (


3) Lifestyle Camp: 7 day thai massage retreat, Kisnyalka.

Date: 2015 October 30.-November 7.

Place: Kisnyalka Ranch (, how to get there: Click here!

Price: “A” Version (certification in Thai Massage from the International Academy of Massage and “Lifestyle Camp” certificate for those needing one for naturopath education) 101,400 HUF
“B” Version (without certificates) 96,400 HUF
The price includes tuition, full accomodation, and 3 hearty vegetarian meals a day,It does not contain the following (you can bring these from home if you alrady use them, or buy them on the spot): tongue scraper, Neti pot, sesame oil for morning self-massage, course book (price more or less 25 Euros on the spot, need to indicate what you need). Repeaters, assistants are welcome!

Program: Click here!

Info, registration:, assitants, karma yogis, please email Bali.


4) Thai Massage “Hands Free”: Advanced Workshop with Bali in Hamburg

Date: 2015 November 13.-15.

Place: Sutra Collektive, Hamburg. Click here for Sutra website!

Price: 200E, early bird 180E (containing  9h 45  mins teaching for the weekend, and printed course material. (Students can sleep at the venue for a donation, please ask with the organizers, Lucie and Kai).

Course description: Click here!

Daily schedule:

6.00-9.00pm: posture training and energy line “refresher” class.

Saturday and Sunday:
6.00-8.00am: Vipassana & Taoist Tai Chi – practice open to all, even those who don’t participate in the whole course.
9.00am-1.00pm: Thai Massage training

1.00pm-2.15pm: Lunchbreak
2.15pm-6.00pm: Thai Massage training

Info, registration: Sutra Collective.


5) 6 day beginners course with Bali in Dunaszerdahely, Slovakia

Dates: November 21.-22., November 28.-29., December 5.-6.

Place: FreedOMe, Dunaszerdahely (Dunajská Streda, Slovakia), Kistejedi u. 515/8

Contents of the course: During our 3 weekends, we will systematically work through the material of Balis book,  “Nuad Bo Rarn-Bevezetés a thai masszázsba” (Introduction to thai massage, under translation), with a morning training of vipassana and tai chi.  We complete the course with a repertoire suitable to give a full body massage, and a touch radiating the loving kindness “Metta” that is a cornerstone in this tradition. The course is registered with the International Academy of Massage, which provides all those successfully completing the course with a certificate. We welcome those who have already done a beginners course with the Sunshine Network or other northern styles (this would be a great refresher, as well as a little new material), please write to Ivan Matis for details.

Price, info, registration: