Courses in 2017

1) 7 day Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage with Bali, at Wieciorka, near Krakkow, POL

Date: April 19.-26., 2017
Programme: A 7 day introductory course in good friend Mateus Flak’s forest hideout in the Beskidy mountains, about an hour drive from Krakkow. A full introduction to vipassana and taichi will be given in the mornings. When the weather allows, taichi will be practiced on a beautiful meadow overlooking the Tatry mountains in the distance. This is followed by a complete beginners training  in thai yoga massage during the day. Complemented by the great vegetarian woodfire cooking, and Krakkowian good cheer, this venue gives one of the best massage courses! Also recommended for repeaters, as a refresher. As the venue is quite remote, drop ins may be difficult. Close to Germany, Slovakia, Krakkow, Poland.
Contact, registration, please write to: Mateus Flak,


2) 7 day Thai massage retreat with Bali at Pronstorf, near Hamburg, GER

Date: May 14.-21., 2017
Programme: Set amongst the rolling meadows, bird sanctuaries and lovely lakes of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, in a beautiful baroque brick mansion far from the traffic and bustle of everyday life, this retreat will be a treat for the soul. During our retreat, we will aim to build a practice of vipassana meditation that we can apply to daily life. This will be practiced fresh every morning, with a step by step introduction,making it accessible for those who have never tried meditation before. We will continue our day with taoist chikung and taichi, also enough to take home as a well founded daily practice, when possible in the open air. This will strengthen and relax our bodies to make giving and receiving massage a pleasure. After a hearty breakfast, we contine with two 3,5 hour sessions of thai yoga massage every day, a comprehensive course aimed to build a repertoire to give a full body thai yoga massage to friends, family members, and average healthy patients. As this is a step by step beginners course, all those who have never studied massage before are welcome! We will end our day with meditation, study, sauna, sharing circle, bhajans or free time, as the group energy requires. To benefit the most from our lovely location, if the weather permits, we will take regular walks in the peaceful nature around, as well as swims in the Wardersee, for those brave of heart! A large variety of accomodation is available at the venue (hotel-guesthouse-camping-staying with Kai’s family), for details, please write to Kai. The venue is more or less a 25 minute car trip, or a 45 minute train  ride form Hamburg, via Bad Oldesloe and Bad Segeberg.
Website of the venue, Gut Pronstorf:
Contact, information registration, please write to:  Kai Hitzer,


3) 12 day Beginners Course in Hamburg, GER  

Date: May 25.-June 5., 2017
Place:  Center of Gravity, Talstrasse 19, website:
Programme:  This is the full 12 day curriculum of the lahu village beginners course, set in the centre of Hamburg, at the Center of Gravity. Augmented by a morning programme of vipassana meditation (the course includes a step-by-step introduction to allow beginners to integrate meditation into their everyday lives) and a morning movement programme of chikung and taichi (to get the practicioners body into shape for a safe practice, as well as to experience the stretches and energywork the patient gets while receiving), the programme will center on learning a repertoire to give  abalancing full body thai yoga massage of more or less 2 hours. Fully certified by the Sunshine Network, a chance for beginners to receive an excellent base in thai yoga massage, repeaters to hone their skills, massage lovers to enrich their repertoire…All are welcome!
Course overview:
Contact, registration, please write to:  Ralph Buse,

4 Day Enrichment Retreat in Poland: advanced “Hands Free” workshop

Date: 1.-4- July, 2017
lovely Wieciorka village in the Polish Beskidy mountains, an hour drive from Krakkow
30.06 – arrival in the evening
01.07 – revision, review and free practice of the most difficult parts of the beginners course with the aid of assistants, followed by a guided full body massage in the morning session, same repeated in the afternoon, with givers becoming receivers.
02.07 – full body massages with feedback from assistants, both directions, then free practice in both the morning and afternoon sessions
03.-04.07 – Advanced workshop: Hands Free thai yoga massage (description:
Course is held in English, with Polish translation. Course manual and certificate provided.
Info, Registration: Mateusz Flak,

5) 12 day Thai Yoga Massage Retreat with Laurino and Bali

Date: July 23. – August 4.
Location: Kisnyalka, between Wienna and Budapest, see bottom of this link.
Programme: This is the full 12 day curriculum of the lahu village beginners course, with teacher training available, set in a retreat environment in Kisnyalka, conveniently located between Wienna and Budapest. If you send me an email, ill send back an infosheet with details of place, schedule, accomodation, prices etc. Then you can email me again to register if you wish to take part, and I place you on the list. The course will be followed by a vipassana retreat at the same venue, from the 6th to the 8th of August. All are welcome!
Website of the course: Please Click Here!
For more info, please write to: Bali,

6) Advanced Side Position Course with Laurino and Bali

Date: 10.-16. August
Place: Kisnyalka, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest)
Programme: For those who have completed a beginners course of 60 hours or more, this course will focus on the side position, aiming to give as complete massages as possible to those patients with difficulty receiving the other positions. In a western therapeutic context, these cases will be quite frequent, as many patients will be too stiff, heavy or fat to receive the other positions. The side position is the one most people usually sleep in, therefore it allows for a lot of relaxation and letting-go on the side of the patient. As a lot of the material is given from sitting on the ground, less work and effort are required from the therapist, with more fun involved with the dynamic rocking motions incorporated into the programme. The course also offers training for giving massages to pregnant women. The course will be followed by a vipassana retreat from the evening of August 17th to the 27th.
Contact, registration: Bali,


7) Thaimassage in the mirror of Yoga – Lifestyle Camp

Date: October 27 th-November 4th, 2017
Place: Kisnyalkapuszta, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest)
Programme: 7 day retreat in which a 60 hours thaimassage beginners programme will be taught, in partnership with yoga cleansing, a complete vipassana meditation training (every morning will begin with practice in Noble Silence), an ashtanga, hatha, yin or vinyasa flow session in the mornings, and a chakra yoga session every evening, geared to the chakra or area worked on in the thaimassage sessions of the day. Repeaters, karma yogis, assistants welcome, please email to Bali directly.
Price: 101,400 HUF or 96,400 HUF, depending on certification needs (about 300 E (including all teachings, food, and accomodation. The course materials, /tongue scraper, sesame oil for abhyanga, neti pot, book/ can be purchesed at the scene, if you dont have your own, for a total price of about 20E. Please indicate if you wish to buy all or some of these.)
Infos: Bali,


8) ”Hands Free” Advanced Workshop with Bali in Hamburg

Date: 10-12, November, 2017
Topic: The workshop will be a 2 day course covering the full body massage without the use of hands. Preceded by an energy line and posture refresher Friday evening. Held in Hamburg`s Center of Gravity, a special space for the practice of acro, yoga and massage, the workshop will be taught in English with German translation if necessary. Daily schedule for the weekend:

  • 6.00 – 8.00 : Vipassana Meditation & Tai Chi
  • 8.00 – 9.30 : Breakfast break
  • 9.30 – 13.00: Thai massage training
  • 13.00 – 14.30: Lunch break
  • 14.30 – 18.00: Thai massage training

Workshop description:
For information and registration please contact: Ralph Buse,


9) Energy Lines Workshop with Bali in Münster

Date: 16.-19. November, 2017 (tentative)
Programme: starting with a short posture refresher and overview on the evening of the 16th, we will then continue with 3 days devoted to the study of the 10 sen, or main energy lines of thai yoga massgage. With demos focusing on a clear introduction of each line, its main therapeutic aspects, energy centres and techniques for working them, we will spend half a day on each main line, giving and receiving, experiencing the qualities associated with the line.
Info and registration: please write to Andreas Jakubik,
Website of the venue:


10) 6 day Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage with Bali, at FreedOMe, DS, Slovakia

Date: The weekends of  November 25.,26.,December 2., 3., and December 9., 10.,  2017
Topic: A 6 day (3 weekend) introductory course in good friend Ivan Matis’s great community centre, FreedOMe in Dunaszerdahely, aka Dunajska Streda. With a backbone of vipassana meditation and taichi, this course is suitable as a intro to thai yoga massage, and also recommended for repeaters,  as a refresher. All assistants welcome. Teaching will be in Hungarian, usually with an assistant to help english speakers. We will be travelling by rail from Budapest via Komarno every Friday evening, a trip of about 1,5 hours, and return to BP the same way Sunday evenings. Accomodation in the centre, travel together also welcome! Close to Praha, Bratislava, Budapest.
Contact, registration: please email Ivan Matis,